Living the Life, I tell ya
Living the life of a mom and a wife who is struggling to keep sane some (most) days.
Now this post isn't meant to be a pity party or a woe is me. This is a post about transparency.
Being transparent to other women, other moms about the struggles I face daily. While I know that things could be a lot worse and I have 2 healthy kids and feel so thankful for them I still feel helpless somedays. We all have different struggles with our children and I feel that we have come to a time in our society that it just isn't OK to talk about where we are struggling as moms and as wives. We are told to be put together and that our homes and children need to be perfect.
I was reminded recently that I wasn't alone in my struggles and the transparency of another mom struggling in her journey gave me a sense of relief and the encouragement that it would be OK.. It isn't a "misery loves company" mentality it is a "THANK GOD I AM NOT ALONE" mentality.
Now, my sweet little Zeke can be one of the funniest, sweetest, fun little boys but in the flip of a switch it all changes. I thank God everyday for the little victories like getting him dressed without a kicking, screaming, UFC match in his room, getting him to eat his meals without him throwing an epic fit and it is usually far and few between that those tasks end well. He is a boy, all boy and is worlds different than Maddy was at that age or any age for that matter. I am thankful to know that in my daily struggles I am not alone, that it isn't just me or it isn't just Zeke. That there isn't something wrong with him and I am not failing miserably at being a mom.
Transparency is my challenge for you.
We as moms need it.Whether you realize it or not we are all in this together. This journey of motherhood was not meant to be done alone. You are not alone in your motherhood struggles whatever they may be and I encourage you to be vulnerable. It is hard and it is humbling, but your humility can be a huge blessing to someone else.
Great new Header Caitie, job well done. Good thoughts on motherhood today. "Thank God I'm not alone" is always a good way to see things.