This next item I cant take too much credit for. My husband came up with the concept, design, made it and I just assisted in purchasing the chicken wire, stapling it onto the frame and providing the small cute little paper clips but I wanted to share because this is one of my favorite additions to our house.
We used old pallet wood, chicken wire and some nails and voila!!
We will use the board to put up prayers we have for ourselves and those around us and also use it for praises to the Lord. I am still working on deciding on a template for how I want to do the cards but I am thinking of having the same cards but on the back of each have some with Prayer and some with Praise.
It can be multipurpose you could put up pictures, Christmas cards, kids artwork, etc....the possibilities are endless
love it caitie & Jason. you could put a lot of stuff on etsy caitie. your craft projects are all wonderful.