Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mold Me and Move Me

I recently gave my testimony to Fuel High School ministry at our church and leading up to it I was rather nervous, being that this was the first time I would share some very intimate and personal moments in my life with a group of (mostly) strangers. Not to mention they were teenagers who had no idea who I was and why would they care what I had to say?

When I was approached with the opportunity my immediate response was Yes! I knew the Lord needed to use me and I couldnt let my fear get in the way of His plans. As I was preparing for this time in the weeks prior I struggled with what I would say, how I would present it, what details to go into and what to leave out. I didnt want it to be too scripted but at the same time I knew I had to have a game plan. So I mapped out what I would say to an extent and figured the Holy Spirit would take me the rest of the way.

The night came for me to speak so with my husband and a few great friends there to support me I "took the stage" and boy oh boy did the Holy Spirit show up for me. Not only did I refrain from tears (which if you know me this is HUGE) but He spoke through me and it was awesome! As I was coming to the close of my story and I was sharing what God has done for me and how the Good News was Great news for me something unexpected came out of my mouth
"dont let your selfishness trump Gods glory"

 I finished my story and I didnt really think about it until later that night and I just couldnt get the phrase out of my head.

"Dont let your selfishness Trump Gods glory"

How many times do we allow this to happen?
How many times do we selfishly do what we want and we leave no room for Him, His plans or His glory.
How many times in our own selfishness do we accomplish something and He doesnt get the glory?

I would love to say that this isnt the case in my life, that I am never selfish and I always put His plans first but that would be a big fat lie!
His plans are usually scary ones, uncomfortable ones and challenging ones and I find myself always second guessing what I know He is telling me because I am being selfish, because I am scared.

What I can say is that I am a work in progress. The more and more I let Him guide me the more I am leaving room for Him to be glorified through me. The more I draw closer to Him the less fear (though it is still there) I have for what His plans are.

I dont want my selfishness to trump His glory.

Lord, mold me, move me and make me uncomfortable.

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