Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What is it all about anyways?

The more and more I talk to real moms about real life the more I realize that we are all a lot more alike than we think. From our struggles, pains, children, husbands and our walk with the Lord. Where we once were and where we are now, we are constantly comparing ourselves to one another not knowing that we are all more or less in the same boat.

When I first came to know the Lord I was carrying around this weight and worry about what everyone around me thinking. I was afraid to go into my past because in my eyes no one had any idea of the struggles I had, no one had made the same mistakes and they had no idea where I was coming from. Everyone around me had it together, their kids, marriages, jobs, households, finances, appearance and there was no room for my errors.

As I started to allow myself  to be vulnerable with people and "be real" I started to realize that not everyone had it as "together" as I thought.

After all we are all humans. We have faults and we have struggles. It was freeing and encouraging to be open with other moms about real life and to share in the joys and frustrations of life.

So here I am putting myself out here to be real, to share my struggles, my life, what works for me, what doesn't, crafts, DIY ideas, recipes etc... It will be a mish mash of goodness but it will be My Life as I know it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love getting REAL with you!! Thanks Caitlin for putting it out there!
