Do we have enough?
Do we give enough?
Are we worthy enough?
Are We given enough?
Are we given Too much?
Grace has always been something that I try my darndest (though not always suuccesful) to dish out more than enough. I have (shamefully) prided myself at extending grace.
To the angry woman at the checkout counter.....who is to say what her day has been like
To the volunteer that Never shows up on time or even at all...........who knows what trials they may be going through at home
To the friend who never has time.......I can be that same friend at times
and so on and so on.
Do I think there is anything wrong with this? Not at all
Do I ever wonder if His Grace is enough? Guilty!
I am currently going through a Max Lucado study (Experiencing the Heart of Jesus) with a couple girlfriends and we just finished up a lesson on Grace.
As I read through the lesson there wasnt much that stood out to me and had me really pondering
I knew we needed grace, I know how and why we recieve grace ......
As I was sailing through this lesson I came across Day 5.... Sufficiant Grace
Well that is a concept. Grace is sufficiant!
I started going back and forth in my head about a few key pointers that Max Lucado touched on.
Being content in Christ and knowing that His grace is enough. How many times have I relied on myself and worldly things to get me through situations? How many times have you?
I think it is very easy for Christians to say " I will just put all of my trust in God and trust that things will work out and rely on Him"
I say it, we all say it. But I am going to get real right now
How often do we actually, fully, completely and willingly put our trust in HIM????
It is very easy to say but to actually do is very difficult (at least for me anyways and if I am the only one then just go ahead and ignore this)
Maybe it is beacuse I became a beliver much later in life so I am used to relying on myself and not Him?????
I read over and over a passage in this chapter that one of close friends in this study pointed out to me (thanks Rachel)
" You wonder why God doesnt remove temptaion from your life? If he did, you might lean on your own strength instead of His grace. A few stumbles might be what you need to convince you: His grace is sufficiant for your sin.
"You wonder why God doesnt remove enimies form your life? Perhaps because he wants you to love like He loves. Anyone can love a friend, but only a few can love an enemy. So what if you arent everyones hero? His grace is sufficiant for your self image.
" You wonder why God doesnt alter your personality? You, like Paul are a bit rough around the edges? Say things you later regret or do things you later question? Why doesnt God make you more like him? He is. He just isnt finished yet. Until He is, His grace is sufficient to overcome your falws"
WOW!!!!! I dont know about you but that puts a whole new spin on Grace for me. It isnt just about giving people grace because it has been extended to me it is so much more. It is relying on His grace because it IS sufficient. It isnt somehting that comes as an add on it is something we NEED.
Challenging myself to Trust more, to trust in God and put more of my life in His hands. Confident that His Grace is what I need.